Digital Video WaterMarking System Using Audio Information of Image Discrete Frequency on Improved Security Through Pre-Preocessing |
Kyung{-}Sang Sung and Jung{-}Jae Kim and Moon{-}Seog Jun and Hae{-}Seok Oh}, |
DMSC2006(미국) |
Digital watermarking is a technique wherein copyrights are protected by inserting difficult to separate indications such as video, audio, or texts to the content, which is a method to prevent illegal distribution, or copying of the product without proper authorization from maker or owner. In this research, unlike the existing image watermarking method wherein watermark is done to the frame itself, a model which extracts audio information within the moving picture, inserts image watermark into the extracted audio information which represents the owner, then combines original image together with digital audio watermark image. Also, suggests a model that improves security of watermark itself, by conducting pre- processing of watermark. |