Title | A Secure EPC System based on Encryption Key using Matrix Puzzle | Category | Security |
Author | In-hwa Choi, Kyung-Sang Sung, Gi-Sung Lee | Organigation | AGST2016 |
Abstract | Submit Date | 2016 | |
A lot of researches have been in progress about the importance of EPCglobal Network and their encryption technologies, and various systems are presented as well. Nevertheless, regarding to the encryption schema, most of them mention that it is specified in X.509 and there are no concrete usage strategies yet. The study is about proposing and implementing methods of sending messages securely, verifying whether received messages are effective, encrypting for the secure sending and certifying between systems for the web-based service constituting EPCglobal Network. Also, we used Matrix Puzzle methods on the key creation scheme which ensures the messages through safe key management methods. |
[해외저널] A Secure EPC System based on Encryption Key using Matrix Puzzle
2022. 9. 7. 17:36