The customized personal services for providing active action the variable Circumstance and Location on Homenetwork system

Kyung-Sang Sung, Wonshik Na, Kun-Soo Oh, Hae-Seok

IJSH Journal(미국)
2007년 1월)


 User should monitor the home network environment periodically so to maintain his optimal conditions. User should also collect the information about the environments of electronic devices within home network, analyze them through learning algorithm and seize the disposition of user under the collected information. In addition, after seizing the disposition of user, home network should be controlled to provide optimal environment to user through continuous monitoring. And more enhanced services that can analyze users' pattern of behaviors and reflect individual tendency in the service should be offered so that users can obtain the information they want much faster. Thus, an intellectual control model will be discussed herein, which can offer active service based on a pattern of users' behaviors, in order to suggest a device that predicts users' activities and operates in a more intelligent way. Keyword: active service, individual tendency, pattern of user's behaviors, intellectual control, predicts user's activity.


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