2018. 8. 26. 12:51
2018. 8. 26. 12:51
The customized personal services for providing active action the variable Circumstance and Location on Homenetwork system
Kyung-Sang Sung, Wonshik Na, Kun-Soo Oh, Hae-Seok
IJSH Journal(미국) (2007년 1월)
User should monitor the home network environment periodically so to maintain his optimal conditions. User should also collect the information about the environments of electronic devices within home network, analyze them through learning algorithm and seize the disposition of user under the collected information. In addition, after seizing the disposition of user, home network should be controlled to provide optimal environment to user through continuous monitoring. And more enhanced services that can analyze users' pattern of behaviors and reflect individual tendency in the service should be offered so that users can obtain the information they want much faster. Thus, an intellectual control model will be discussed herein, which can offer active service based on a pattern of users' behaviors, in order to suggest a device that predicts users' activities and operates in a more intelligent way. Keyword: active service, individual tendency, pattern of user's behaviors, intellectual control, predicts user's activity.
2018. 8. 26. 12:50
2018. 8. 26. 12:50
The Design on the AISO System using various rule and pattern Analysis of User on the HomeNetworks
Wonshik Na ; Kyungsang Sung ; Hae-seok Oh
ICHIT2006(한국) (2007년 1월)
It has been highlighted and spread that the cutting edge system and intelligence home system raised from dramatic development of IT technology. Through the progressed Application of Home Networking Tech. and diverse multi-media, there are plenty of efforts to pursue the realization of human convenience. As a home networking services is on the increase, so is the demand for context-aware services, utilizing a profile of users as well as various context information, a sensor, and other environmental information in order to recognize a pattern of users' activities. And more enhanced services that can analyze users' pattern of behaviors and reflect individual tendency in the service should be offered so that users can obtain the information they want much faster. Thus, an intellectual control model will be discussed herein, which can offer active service based on a pattern of users' behaviors, in order to suggest a device that predicts users' activities and operates in a more intelligent way.
2018. 8. 26. 12:49
2018. 8. 26. 12:49
Traffic Information System Model Utilizing Ad-Hoc Network for Location
Based Services | 2006년 9월 | ALPIT2006 (우즈베키스탄) |
| |
2018. 8. 26. 12:47
2018. 8. 26. 12:47
안전한 사용자 인증 방식과 개인화 행동 패턴 분석을 통한 홈 내 모니터링 시스템 | 2006년 8월 | 통신학회 논문지 |
| |
2018. 8. 26. 12:45
2018. 8. 26. 12:45
Recommends System using Re-extraction methods on the Groups with a similarity pattern such as Clustered User's preference tendency
Kyung-Sang Sung ; Hae-Seok Oh
SERA2006(미국) (2006년 8월)
As the amount of information provided to the customer becomes larger, unnecessary information can lead to difficulty in finding the information customer wanted. This also may lead to a customer being dissatisfied with the service. However, the existing systems that apply a similar concept fail to address the individual user's demands. In addition, in considering similarities between users, each item's relative importance (weighted value) to each customer are not being taken into account. This leads to problems of scarcity if the common preference items are small and also the problems of expansion, where system slowdown occurs as number of users increase. These inefficiency problems are dealt with, in this paper, an adaptive e-commerce agent system is proposed to cater for individual user's taste for products. This system includes a monitoring agent that monitors user's intentions, a similarity referencing agent that learns user's activities to reference a group with a similar pattern, and an interest extraction agent that creates and updates individual user's activity database whenever change in activity is detected
2018. 8. 26. 12:44
2018. 8. 26. 12:44
Digital Watermark System based on improved security through Pre-Processing of watermarked data using Information of Image Discrete Frequency
Kyung-Sang Sung ; Seung-Heon Lee ; Bo-Hyun Wang ; Hae-Seok Oh
SERA2006(미국) (2006년 8월)
Digital watermarking is an insertion technique where specific data that represents copyrights and ownership of multimedia contents such as audio, video, image and texts are inserted, which is a method to prevent illegal distribution, or copying of the product without proper authorization from maker or owner. In this research, unlike the existing image watermarking method wherein watermark is done to the frame itself, a model which extracts audio information within the moving picture, inserts image watermark into the extracted audio information which represents the owner, then combines original image together with digital audio watermark image. Also, suggests a model that improves security of watermark itself, by conducting pre-processing of watermark
2018. 8. 26. 12:43
2018. 8. 26. 12:43
Active Intelligent Service Offer System Addition Environment variable and Local variable
Kyung-Sang Sung ; Hae-Seok Oh
SERA2006(미국) (2006년 8월)
It has been highlighted and spread that the cutting edge system and intelligence home system raised from dramatic development of IT technology. Through the progressed application of home networking tech. and diverse multi-media, there are plenty of efforts to pursue the realization of human convenience. As a home networking services is on the increase, so is the demand for context-aware services, utilizing a profile of users as well as various context information, a sensor, and other environmental information in order to recognize a pattern of users' activities. And more enhanced services that can analyze users' pattern of behaviors and reflect individual tendency in the service should be offered so that users can obtain the information they want much faster. Thus, an intellectual control model is discussed, which can offer active service based on a pattern of users' behaviors, in order to suggest a device that predicts users' activities and operates in a more intelligent way
2018. 8. 26. 12:42
2018. 8. 26. 12:42
Digital Video WaterMarking System Using Audio Information of Image Discrete Frequency on Improved Security Through Pre-Preocessing
Kyung{-}Sang Sung and Jung{-}Jae Kim and Moon{-}Seog Jun and Hae{-}Seok Oh},
DMSC2006(미국) (2006년 8월)
Digital watermarking is a technique wherein copyrights are protected by inserting difficult to separate indications such as video, audio, or texts to the content, which is a method to prevent illegal distribution, or copying of the product without proper authorization from maker or owner. In this research, unlike the existing image watermarking method wherein watermark is done to the frame itself, a model which extracts audio information within the moving picture, inserts image watermark into the extracted audio information which represents the owner, then combines original image together with digital audio watermark image. Also, suggests a model that improves security of watermark itself, by conducting pre- processing of watermark.
2018. 8. 26. 12:40
2018. 8. 26. 12:40
The most suitable
Recommendation system using Groups with a similarity Information such as user
preference pattern | Kyung-Sang Sung, Tae-Wook Kim, Hae-Seok Oh | ICEIC2006(몽골) (2006년 7월) |
2006년 7월2006년 7월) | |
2018. 8. 26. 12:36
2018. 8. 26. 12:36
위치기반서비스를 위해 Ad-Hoc Network를 활용한 교통정보 시스템 모델
김태욱, 이준호, 성경상, 오해석
대한통신학회 (2005년 6월)
애드 혹 망 은 네트워크 인프라가 없이 서로 통신하는 이동 노드들로 구성된 망이다. 이동 노드들은 망 내에서 필요에 따라 임의로 네트워크를 형성한다. 애드 혹 망과 관련된 기술 분야로는 다양한 응용을 위한 물리 계층 등으로 분류 할 수 있다. 특히, 효율적인 경로 탐색을 위해 여러 라우팅 프로토콜이 제안되었다[l]. 제안된 기술 최근 가장 화두가 되고 있는 텔레매틱스 기술은 이러한 이동 애드 혹 망을 바탕으로 위치 기반 서비스(LBS Location Based Service)를 제공하는데 있어 중요한 응용 분야이다. 텔레매틱스(Telematics)기술은 차량의 인공위성을 이용한 위치파악기술(GPS)과 이동통신 기술이 결합된 것으로 운전자와 차량의 안전 편의성을 목적으로 무선통신망을 통해서 정보를 교환하고 차량 내 정보단말기를 통해 차량과 운전자에게 유용한 정보 및 서비스를 제공 하는 종합적인 정보서비스이다. 텔레매틱스는 기존에 단순히 응급구난 서비스 중심으로 제공 되던 서비스 개념에서 최근에는 LBS등 무선 인터넷 개념을 도입한 이동통신 부가가치 서비스로 새롭게 정의되고 있다[2]. 현재 텔레매틱스 인프라는 주로 이동통신망을 활용하여 언제, 어디서나 무선 접속이 가능하지만 고속 데이터 전송을 위한 서비스 요금이 고가라는 단점이 있다.